Been awhile since I did a blog. Most people preferred the slide show, but it was a problem for people with dial up Internet. Been very busy here this week camping & with 2 doctor's appointments in St.
Petersburg. I am camped at Bushnell Trailer Park, right behind the ODD "CUP"LES Cafe. The 1st night I got there I was looking for their grease bin to see if I could get some used french fry oil free. The next morning I went & talked to the owner. She said she'd save it for me if I gave her a barrel, which I bought a barrel & painted it black for her. I also did a slide presentation & gave it to her of which she truly loved & has given me a written reference to help me get more business, plus she asked me about a wedding for a person she knows. I've done maybe 300 weddings or so, so maybe I'll get a wedding now & then. She also gave me a free delicious meal. :)

That was some good news. Now for some bad news. A friend of mine passed away last night. He had Huntington's Disease. I had no problem going to my doctor's appointments Monday or Wednesday, BUT on the way home, I had breakdown problems with fuel, diesel, not the veggie oil. On Monday, I was on the bridge between St.
Petersburg & Tampa, IN THE MIDDLE LANE IN STOP & GO TRAFFIC AT 4PM, when my engine died. So I put on my emergency flashers & started moving right to get off the highway, which I didn't hit anybody, but made some people move off to the right. I got out & opened the hood, WHEN SOME GUY 3-4 LANES OVER CALLED ME AN A--HOLE. People here don't think about anybody but themselves. TOO BAD I wasn't stopped with him behind me blocking him there. So I changed a filter. Got it started & took off down the road. I drove through downtown Tampa & it died on me another 3-4 times until I got back on the interstate & was able to hold the throttle down. A funny thing happened downtown. I drove past some war protesters, so I honked my loud bus horn, which they liked, & then I waved at this beautiful gal just pass them, BUT SHE WAS A STORE MANNEQUIN,
LOL. Wasn't a filter at all, but sucking air, so I wasted a fuel filter. A picture shows the temporary fix which was temporary. Wednesday when I came home from the doctor's appointment it also died on me at an intersection & then in the driveway of a Texaco gas station. THEREFORE, I have spent 2 days this week making what I hope to be a permanent fix!

Some of the parts I got to fix the bus was from the hardware store. To get there with my scooter, I had to go past the fire station. Now tell me, HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A BLUE FIRETRUCK? Well, see for yourself:)

Today is Sunday, 86 degrees & I am sitting out back of the library here in the courtyard, IN THE SHADE! Nice library here now with 24 hour
fi. Wednesday night I came here & used my laptop while sitting in the bus. A concerned neighbor called the police to investigate me.

Other activities here include Weight Watchers, which I heard some good free tips, like ask for the child's menu, etc. Also they support animal projects well. They had helper dogs who visit hospitals, schools, nursing homes, etc. one night, plus one night they had low cost rabies shots. See the picture of the hound dogs in the cage in the back of the Jeep. Sorry, but for some reason, the print jumped down here.
Last picture is a sunset. I was on my way to Wendy's to eat. I saw the setting sun & said WOW!!! I tried to ride faster to get to a more open place to take the picture, but it was setting fast. So this is what I got, which I am pleased after all. Today after doing some running around with the bus, I went back to the trailer park & hooked up electricity. They had juice, but I have some kind of problem I will have to deal with when I get home from the library. ALWAYS SEEMS TO BE SOMETHING TO FIX!!! Always seems to include spending money also.
I'll be headed back to Thousand Trails Resort tomorrow & moving about every 5
th day, so I'm gonna be busy, but also might see some more pictures to take & tell about. Hope all is well with you. A couple of you said you wanted to leave a comment, BUT COULDN'T FIND A PLACE TO DO SO. At the end of my letter here, you should see "comments" in green ink. Click on the link & you'll be there. Ron