Well, it is a battery powered VW bug. These 2 little girls rode it around in the campground this last weekend. The driver is Breana & the passenger is Natassja. They spent a lot of time in the swimming pool & was where they had just come from when I took their picture.
This is Babbette & Clarence. Babbette is the new "BA" & that is not "BAD ASS", LOL. She is the "Business Associate", 2nd in charge to Debbie, the Mgr. Just out of fun, I was taking their picture when she spoke up & said they needed a picture to send back home to their church to show why they couldn't make it to church back home, LOL. Babbette & Clarence is a real nice couple, a lot of fun, & good Christians.
This is a gift I received this last Saturday morning. I did open the box today & saw it is a ring cake, but I haven't broken the seal yet. I might save it for a special event. Or maybe since they are having a pot luck supper Wednesday, just take it. There was an entry that came with it to win a free trip to the Cayman Islands.
Temperature tomorrow is only to hit about 85. Wow, much better than the 90's, but back to the 90's by the weekend. Have a good week......................Ron
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