Richard was Saturday night's entertainment. He has won ICGMA Instrumentalist of the Decade. He is from Roanoke, Va. One lady in the audience said she was from there. He said they might have went to school together. She said, "YES, YOU WAS ONE CLASS AHEAD OF ME". LOL Richard just turned 50 this last week & we all sang Happy Birthday to him.
He has something like 17 or 18 guitars. His music mentor was Chet Adkins. Starting at age 13, he self taught himself Chet's guitar system of thumb pickin' & finger strummin'. He played a variety of music, with a lot of Chet Adkins songs.
He brought 4 guitars to the show with him. I told him I was a photographer & he said that I MUST STICK AROUND TO SEE THE 1ST SONG IN THE 2ND HALF OF THE SHOW!!! Well, this is the guitar he was talking about. It was made from a muffler of a 1968 Thunderbird. I took a close-up of it & the baffles with the holes are still inside. He has a tube hooked up to the inlet of the muffler, which is a smoke machine, which didn't work last night, but he said it worked in church this morning. One more feature of it is the strap is made up with a seat belt, with a buckle, which he says he always buckles up. He plays a lot of places: Nashville, Branson, churches, schools, campgrounds, etc. You can see his website at:http://www.rkisermusic.com/
Other activities I enjoyed this weekend was watching NASCAR racing both Saturday & Sunday nights & WAS THRILLED MATT KENSETH WON BOTH. I also went to Karaoke Sunday afternoon.
I go out of the campgrounds Monday morning, so not sure of my time on computer, so see you next time. Ron