This is the same beach I went to with Barbara last week. I had purchased a Senior Citizen pass at national parks for lifetime for $10, so I wanted to get some use out of it. There seemed to be a lot more swimmers there today.
Unfortunately as I was ready to leave, there was a boy 1.5 years old missing. I hope they found him. There were 4-6 people frantically looking for him. Seemed the lifeguard to me didn't seem too concerned, calmly asking them to check restrooms, etc. I do remember once at Siesta Beach at Sarasota once though that a little girl came up missing & she was found. She had just made a new friend & was with her. Supposedly today a girl was watching this little boy that was missing. I just listened as she talked to the lifeguard.
This is the same fisherman we saw last week. He had just caught this fish he threw back into the ocean. He said this breed will grow to 6-8#. His prize catch he told me about was a 1.5# Whiting fish which didn't sound big to me, but he said it was a good catch. Shows you how much I DON'T KNOW ABOUT FISHING!!!
I had to find a gal with some sex appeal.
Here was another gal sitting in her lawn chair, just letting the ocean roll in on her. She had her bottled water & suntan lotion. Nice way to relax on the beach, LOL.
These are the shells I picked up off of the beach today. The upper left one is called a "HORSESHOE SHELL". I don't know what the others are.
There are 2 more new blogs under this one for today, 6/12/07. Ron
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