Barb & I had shared pictures, so when I put the Bonnet Shark on the blog, I used her picture because I had used her previous picture in the blog. Then she pointed out to me that she liked my angle better as it showed the top view I got better, so you can see it here. Some people think it is a Hammerhead Shark. I was told today that this breed of shark don't grow too large, but the guy who told me this said he likes to go out into the ocean to go shark fishing because they put up a good fight. Also sharks are good to eat because they have no bones.
The name of this lagoon says it all, "MOSQUITO LAGOON"
This is the bridge headed over to Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach, & Merritt Island. I took this through the windshield as Barbara drove. It was an unique angle that I was just a little late with my shot. Seems strange though that the 2 bridges aren't parallel.
Nice home on Merritt Island. It was next door to the one that was for sale with a $200,000 reduction in price. Sure glad I don't have to pay the property tax on this one. The local news today just mentioned people here aren't able to afford to buy homes because of taxes, so property tax cuts are in the works, but several services said the tax can't be cut for their service.
This was after we got off of Merritt Island. Vacation home in Paradise? Your own island? Well, I grew up on a farm, but just east of us a mile +, was Lake Freeman, which ran like a snake quite a few miles. On the lake is an island. It was called "Ski Island". The Ford car dealer, named "Bartlett" had a home on it, plus other small cottages of others. Skiing enthusiasts gathered there & they had a ski jump there. I never went over the jump, but have skied around the island. Barb has experience skiing also. Snow & water. Well, I snow skied, SORT OF!!! We used water skis & got towed behind a pickup in a bean field on snow in the winter.
Back down to Peace River. It rained here today. The weatherman said we are now in the summer rain season where we might get rain everyday. They showed 20-40% everyday.
Today was the last taping of "THE PRICE IS RIGHT", with Bob Barker. The show will go on though. New host hasn't been named yet. Ron
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