I painted the bus roof Thursday. Wednesday I washed the roof with Tide. It sure was dirty. Then I noticed the soap scum dried on the side after I got off the top, so I had to was the sides of the bus also. The side of the bus is Ford Tractor Blue & the roof (I CALL) ROBIN EGG BLUE. I've had several compliment on it already. Look at the window behind the driver & you will see a vertical tube. It is the vent like a clothes dryer for my new portable air conditioner.
My nephew is a manager at Lifelong Coatings of America. See the picture of the pickup door sign in bottom picture. He gave me 4 gallons of coating that had been rejected because of mis-color match. He told me to mix all 4 gal. together to get a consistent color. So when I poured in the 1st gal., I realized this was thicker than I realized & it wouldn't all pour out of the can, so I decided to RUIN A SPOON, since I had spares for similar use. You can see the color difference here. I wish I had bought a metal stir rod to go in my electric drill. Took a lot of work to get 2 gallons blended.
Then I poured in the other 2 gal. Now it was too deep for the spoon, so I found an 1 X 2 " stick to stir it with. My arms were shot by the time I got done stirring it together to blend. Then I used a 32 oz. cup to dip & put back into a gal. can, plus had to stir to blend again. Then I had to climb up on top of the rounded roof to paint it. I'M AFRAID OF HEIGHT, PLUS THE WIND WAS WHIPPING 15-30 MPH. I've gotten several compliments on the paint job. The roof almost looks white compared to the darker blue.
So if you live here in central Florida, I hope you call my nephew to get your next paint, (coating) job done. It can save you money with energy savings. You can look at their website at: http://www.lifelongcoatings.com. He said I could expect to be about 15% cooler in my situation. Depends on the color you are changing from as to the % you save. Would have been 40% if I had been going from black to this color.
Below is another blog I guess I was too tired & forgot to publish last night or MAYBE I DIDN'T REALIZE, it didn't finish getting published, AS THIS DIDN'T, & I HAVE HAD TO REWRITE THIS ONE THE 2ND TIME TODAY!
It is cloudy outside today. Just nice temperature. I made some microwave fudge to share with some friends I met last night. A retired farmer & his wife from Indiana. Also a few minutes ago I met a gal doing a picture puzzle who graduated from Indiana & her husband is also a photographer. I also met a doctor I had a nice chat with. Seems I am always making new friends. Ron
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