I took this picture yesterday. As I exited the bus, this ENDANGERED SPECIES turtle came toward me. I had just Wednesday threw out some Romaine lettuce he might have ate. I gave him a small piece of cheese, which he turned his nose up at. Later I saw ants loved it though. This turtle came toward me, so I backed up. Maybe he didn't like having his picture taken, LOL.
This is a unique butterfly puzzle. Looking you'll see butterflies in the butterfly. It aggravates me that they have signs on 4 tables saying jigsaw puzzles only, when I rarely see more than 1 person working one at a time, but there might be 5-10 people in the room wanting electrical outlets to run their PC's, & those jigsaw tables are the ones where there are electrical outlets.
I saw this squirrel this morning. He checked out the maid's golf cart to see if there was any food for him, then he ran for the fence, so I got his picture.
All of my intention of going out for pictures this morning was for a beautiful sunrise. Not as pretty this morning as yesterday when there was a haze or smoke diffusing it yesterday. This trailer belongs to a friend of mine from Frankfort, Indiana.
The sun is shinning. Bound to be a beautiful day. Maybe I'll go swimming today. I am at the Orlando Thousand Trails Preserve. 2 swimming pools & a hot tub. Maybe play some cards tonight. Going back to Peace River Preserve tomorrow. Ron
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