Friday, March 16, 2007

Eating Out at the Jacaranda Hotel

Yesterday I was invited to go out & eat with some friends. I didn't know there were gonna be 13 of us, but it was fun, & the food was good. It was Buffet Style. I made 2 trips. My 2nd plate is in the picture with JUMBO SHRIMP. I WENT BACK FOR MORE ALSO! Then I had desert also, pecan pie & strawberry shortcake with whipped cream. All of a sudden there was BIG LAUGHTER from another table, so I took my camera over there & found out it was this guy's 75th birthday & someone gave him a THONG, lol. He was asked to model it, but he refused, LOL.
I tried to attach one more picture, but it wouldn't. They had a piano player there with dinner music. He has played with several celebrities. As to the hotel, it was built in the 1920's. It has 40 rooms on the 2nd floor. The ceilings were at least 12' tall. It is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places & has had guests of Babe Ruth, Clark Gable, George Burns, & Gracie Allen. This is at Avon Park, Florida for those of you who want to look for it on Hwy. 27. The food service is handled by college students from University of South Florida.
Weather today here was CHANGING! I went & got 60 gallons of veggie oil from the Chinese restaurant early this morning. I got home & had the air conditioner on by 9 AM. This afternoon we got thunderstorms, accumulating 1/2" & it cooled off. So tonight I am running the heat again. I didn't see but 1 person in the swimming pool today.
Monday is my last day here at this campground for awhile. I've been asked if I want to go boating down the Peace River, which if I can work it into my time, I'll go. Ron

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