Well, getting ready to go swimming. Have a nice day,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ron
Well, getting ready to go swimming. Have a nice day,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ron
You didn't think I'd go swimming there did you? I've had 2 people concerned they hadn't seen any new blogs from me. Well, not anything interesting to write home about of a blown bus tire. I did see the inner tube fly out of it as I went ahead & drove down the road as a friend said I could on the other dual. Then I got pulled over by a state policeman & he said, "YOU'RE OUT OF SERVICE!!!" He said I was smoking, but it was a pickup who had passed me that probably was about ready to lose an engine.
Well, I hope it rains & knocks down the smoke. Ron
Not much going on. Just watching TV & being on the PC playing some cards.
Not many campers here & I have been going the same route between campgrounds every 5Th day. I did see something to take a picture of, IF I CAN FIND A PLACE TO PARK THE BUS. All for now,,,,,,,Ron
Unfortunately as I was ready to leave, there was a boy 1.5 years old missing. I hope they found him. There were 4-6 people frantically looking for him. Seemed the lifeguard to me didn't seem too concerned, calmly asking them to check restrooms, etc. I do remember once at Siesta Beach at Sarasota once though that a little girl came up missing & she was found. She had just made a new friend & was with her. Supposedly today a girl was watching this little boy that was missing. I just listened as she talked to the lifeguard.
There are 2 more new blogs under this one for today, 6/12/07. Ron
The last picture is "FINGER LICKIN' GOOD" cake. I will put the picture of me in with the e-mail of notification the new blog. Since I had already got wet & almost everybody else went in, I figured I had might as well also, LOL.
Back down to Peace River. It rained here today. The weatherman said we are now in the summer rain season where we might get rain everyday. They showed 20-40% everyday.
Today was the last taping of "THE PRICE IS RIGHT", with Bob Barker. The show will go on though. New host hasn't been named yet. Ron