I arrived back at the Orlando Resort today to see smoke coming across the campground, so as soon as I got electric hooked up, I went down to the lake to take pictures. It was strong enough to smell it & burn my eyes, so I got away from there asap!!! Not too bad where I am parked. When I 1st rode up to the lake, there was so much smoke that I couldn't see at all across there in 2 areas, but by the time I got the camera out, it was this.
At Karaoke Saturday night, there were a couple of cute shirts I took pictures of. Today I saw a truck that passed me called, "KING OF THE ROAD", so I had to sing that song for awhile.
All I can say about this shirt is I have to agree.
This was an accident from a drinking driver, who left the scene of the accident. He was lucky to be alive as the roof over the passenger side was pushed in. He left his license plate on the truck though, so will probably be able to track him. Maybe he'll call in his truck stolen? Alcohol & driving doesn't mix, but many people never learn. There was another accident there in same area just about 24 hours previous. Maybe partly design error of lane ending, mixed with alcohol situation.
Sign down at the lake!!! I heard several months ago that there are hundreds of alligators in this lake. On the local news here yesterday was a guy golfing. He reached down to get his ball next to a lake & an big alligator grabbed his hand. He used his left fist to beat on the alligator until he left loose. "ATTN. GEORGE! Aren't you glad you're not in Florida golfing?" You might have to fight to get your golf ball, LOL
You didn't think I'd go swimming there did you? I've had 2 people concerned they hadn't seen any new blogs from me. Well, not anything interesting to write home about of a blown bus tire. I did see the inner tube fly out of it as I went ahead & drove down the road as a friend said I could on the other dual. Then I got pulled over by a state policeman & he said, "YOU'RE OUT OF SERVICE!!!" He said I was smoking, but it was a pickup who had passed me that probably was about ready to lose an engine.
Well, I hope it rains & knocks down the smoke. Ron
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