This last Saturday I went to the golf course just north of Wachula for the Elk's tournament. Inside the clubhouse I found the used golf balls & liked the name they applied to them. The pretty gal is Jill. She was there handing out water, soft drinks, & beer to the golfers, working for tips. I know she got some nice tips. I first met Jill when she was waitressing at the Elk's & we sang, "Summer Nights" at Karaoke together. Also took pictures of her there & sent them to her.
Now, to flip things around, I asked her if she'd take my picture on the golf cart I was on out taking pictures of golfers on the course. She did a great job & then she told me she enjoyed taking pictures. I had a choice of about 20 different golf carts to pick from, so went through all of them looking for #44, but since it had already been checked out, I took #24 for Jeff Gordon in Nascar racing. If you are a golfer, you've heard that some good business deals are made on the golf course. Well, Jill told me she is the cook in a new restaurant opening & needed to have their used frenchfry oil picked up. So I went there today & got around 30 gallons, plus set a barrell to where they will save it for me to have for fuel. I also get the used frenchfry oil from the Elk's Lodge & 3 other places here at Wachula, plus 1 at Busnell.
One of the gals I took a picture of out on the course & she hit the ball good said she didn't care about a picture of her hitting the ball. She just wanted me to get a picture of her baseball cap. These golf teams were from all over the Elk's district here including Winter Haven, Lakeland, & more. Now, SHE won the prize for "CLOSEST TO THE PIN" on a Par 3. Another woman won for "LONG DRIVE". I saw another woman who was hitting the ball better than any of the men she was with. As I was posing them to take a picture of them with the flag, I asked her which one was her husband, so I could line them up. "ALL THREE I HEARD", well, really none of them. She was widowed. Yes, the women did "KICK ASS" over the men golfers, LOL.
This is Marty who had part of the management of the golf tournament & is an officer at the Elk's Lodge. I was determined to get a picture of the ball in the picture AFTER HE HIT IT, but I didn't. Once the club hits the ball, it flies very fast. I got pictures of all his team mates with a ball in the picture & others with the ball in the picture. He did have a terrific shot though that I took this picture. He sunk a putt from maybe 20-30'. "HEY TIGER!!!". I heard several people refer to Tiger Woods through the tournament.
Also I asked & a guy let me hit a 3 iron after they had hit from a spot. I hit the ball good & was only about 10 yards short of "BEST SHOT". Sort of makes me want to get my golf clubs out of the bus & play some now. I talked to the owner & looks like I'm gonna get some free golf.
A friend of mine sent this link. She now works at night & so she said she enjoyed watching the moon. VERY INTERESTING! moonphase.com
Time to go get into the swimming pool to cool off. Have a nice day,,,,,,,,,,Ron
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