Many years ago I got a job with "ABC PICTURES", traveling taking bowling team pictures. The job was seasonal & I am no longer employed by my friend Joe, but he gave me this picture & we shared other interests such as flying radio controlled airplanes.
SO THIS IS MY "PRIDE & JOY". Wanting to take a new picture of it rather than just copying a picture, which reduces quality, I called Johnson & Johnson to see if I could buy a bottle of Pride furniture wax OR EVEN AN EMPTY BOTTLE!!! They told me they have NONE EVEN THEMSELVES, so if one of my friends out here have a bottle of Johnson Pride Wax, which was sold in the 1950's, please let me know.

Well, I guess part of my "
PRIDE & JOY" is my
"CASTLE AT THE JUNK YARD". Right beside the bus is a LEAN-TO, metal roofing being held up against 2 trees. Nice & shady, plus the wind has blown through here making it feel very comfortable. Guess I'll have to bring my TV outside to watch. Was too hot in the bus to watch TV today, in the 80's outside, over 100 inside the bus. I heard on the weather today, that the 90's are returning to Florida, so guess I'll be coming here to the Thousand Trails campground for free day passes to go swimming to cool off.

I don't get paid anything for a little work I do at the junk yard. Today, I helped with wiring a trailer for about an hour. But I did receive 9, yes
"nine" new T-shirts, ALL ALIKE, lol, so if you see with one like this on, don't accuse me of wearing the same shirt as I wore yesterday, LOL. The shirts were given to the junkyard by Catholic Relief who couldn't sell them & other items. So now Anita gave them to me. Benzamycin is a jell medication for Acne. Looks like the main ingredient is Peroxide. I just bought a bottle of Peroxide last week, as I got an e-mail of what all Peroxide can do for you.

When I was at Wal-Mart, a couple in a motor home pulled in beside me. I IMMEDIATELY GRABBED THE CAMERA for this picture. This a 1950 Jeepster. Don is a Shriner & spends a lot of time
"DRIVING MILES FOR CHILDREN'S SMILES". The shriners do a lot with free services for children in hospitals. I personally know of 2 cases, where it didn't cost the family any money. One child was trying to light a charcoal fire with gasoline. Blew up in his face. Shriners helicoptered him 40 miles to 1 hospital & then on a private jet from Charlotte, NC., to Cincinnati, Oh., so GOD BLESS THE SHRINERS. I also have 2 personal friends who are shriners. One is an e-mail friend, Danny, who will see this, & has been a clown at the Kokomo, In. club.
Until next time, have a nice day,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ron