I've been helping at the junkyard hooking up the chain to move steel & vehicles. Got to get back before dark to help again as I HAVE THE LIGHT!!! Have a good week,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ron
I've been helping at the junkyard hooking up the chain to move steel & vehicles. Got to get back before dark to help again as I HAVE THE LIGHT!!! Have a good week,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ron
I enlarged this wild pig's picture, using Picasa2, which the computer geeks taught me, http://geeksontour.com/ & saw she has brown eyes & a bloody snout, probably from ramming the cage, trying to get out. She rammed the cage several times when I was there taking her picture. Domestic hogs I know are nearsighted.
All for now. Got to get checked out. Have a good weekend,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ron
Been cloudy all day & comfortable. I heard 1 clap of thunder & unplugged the computer for awhile, but haven't heard any since. Tomorrow is HUMP DAY, so hope you are having a good week. Ron
I took another picture of a small alligator, but not as glorious nor space to put it in here.
I checked the water temperature in the swimming pool & it feels a little cooler, so think I'll go swimming today. The pool has just been too hot.
I heard this week that my picture of me singing Karaoke at the July 4th day festivities was published in the paper, but I haven't seen it yet.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.......................................................Ron
Well, supposed to be a little cooler today. Only 91 for a high. Sun is shining bright. We got thunderstorms last night. 1.2" of rain with it.
Hope you all went to vote "NO" to Rosie O'Donnell to being the host of "THE PRICE IS RIGHT" Ron
I am back into the campgrounds & gonna be here for 2 weeks. It is hot here, but I spent most of my time in air conditioning today.
In another blog, I will send a picture of me holding something BIG!!! Also I have a picture I will let you guess what it is. I sure do enjoy going to museums. Also the museum attendant was great. She is Sandy, the photographer I put in the blog that was multi-tasking, (eating ice cream as she photographed). I met her husband today also.
Have a great weekend..............................................................Ron
Besides that, it is hot outside, so I am soaking up their air conditioning, & several glasses of their delicious lemonade.
Hope you are all having a good week. Today is HUMP DAY. Ron
There are only 3 chickens left at the junkyard. Gregg tried to catch them all & sell them, but these 3 escaped capture, so Gregg decided they could fend for themselves.
As to the pictures, I didn't take my tripod, which could have improved them. Also the smoke sort of took away from them in some pictures. So I picked the ones I liked best in RED,WHITE, BLUE, & GREEN.
So I went to the kitchen sink to wash my hands immediately. While doing that, it hit me, "IDIOT ME", I should have taken the picture before I got him out of the bus. He was by the faucet. Maybe he wanted a drink? LOL A picture of a frog beside the faucet with water running could have made the news, LOL. Oh well, not gonna get pictures of everything. Until next time, have a good week, Ron