Monday was the day to get tires put on the back of my bus!!! FOR SURE!!! I had had 2 tires blow in 9 days, both on the left side rear duals. No problem stopping, just a BIG BANG & the inconvenience of having to wait on road service. I had talked to a tire dealer & told him what I needed & he recommended Florida Tire Terminal at Avon Park. This is where this picture is taken, THOUSANDS OF TIRES, the ones for my bus were inside. They came off of school buses from NC. Probably 1/2 tread or more, but not weather cracked like mine.
Here is a picture of one of mine. They called it a "MAY POP", lol, but knowing the history I have been having with tires lately & the heat, the tire is a "WILL POP", just a matter of time. Oh, this was on the inside of the outside dual of which I couldn't see it or I would have changed tires sooner. They had been making noise for a long time. I had to drive 25 miles or so with that noise & pray I made it back to where I was buying tires.
This is the other right side dual & you can see the crack was ALMOST all the way around. Now that is a "WILL POP". Actually I had dropped off 1 tire that had blown Sunday to have a replacement, but then decided to get all four on the back replaced & they did have a set. $50 apiece compared to $290 apiece for new tires was a bargain to me. They had Mexicans working there & they were hard workers, but we had some language barriers. I wanted new inner tubes, but didn't get them. One guy "NO ENGLISH", me "NO SPANISH". We almost had another problem also. He wanted me to release the brake so he could turn the wheel, but in his motions, I started the bus & put it in gear turning the wheels, WHICH ABOUT GOOFED UP A VALVE STEM. Unfortunately every wheel they put on that I had painted black when I painted the bus is now on the inside, so I have rims to paint again. But I am happy I found the place & would recommend them to anyone who needs tires. They have smaller sizes of tires at great prices also.
I took this when I was up at Orlando TT this last week. I think it is the same turtle who came over past my bus several weeks ago. I was able to get my tape measure out for him. His shell is 12" long & 10" wide. He moved away from me fairly quick after I measured him. MAYBE HE THOUGHT I WAS SIZING HIM UP FOR TURTLE SOUP, LOL.
There was thunderstorm go through the campground here yesterday & got one of the telephone lines that carries the DSL. But fortunately, I am on the wireless. We are in a pattern of thunderstorms daily possible now & I think up to 94 on Friday.
Have a nice day,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Ron
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