Self explanatory, BUT don't try to pronounce it that way. Wa-chu-la is more like it. I haven't seen any Sand Hill Cranes here either. Just some cattle Egrets. One of which stood right out in the thunderstorm last night.
This is a casting of a Mammoth jaw bone. Boy Scouts along with Mitchell Hope uncovered it. It came from a time of about 25 millions years ago & it's tusk was 9' long. This has been the best specimen found in Florida & was given to the Smithsonian Institution.
Ladies: Do you remember laying your curling iron on top of the stove to get hot? Well, that's what this is, a HOT CURLING IRON.
Old double copper washing machine. I remember wringers like this. Got my hand in one once & went all the way to my elbow. I couldn't get it out, but a neighbor JUST HAPPENED BY & got me out.
This was the 1st time strawberries had ever been air mailed. They went to NY & brought quite a price for that time, but also remember this airplane had to make 5 stops along the way for refueling.
Well, supposed to be a little cooler today. Only 91 for a high. Sun is shining bright. We got thunderstorms last night. 1.2" of rain with it.
Hope you all went to vote "NO" to Rosie O'Donnell to being the host of "THE PRICE IS RIGHT" Ron
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